Saturday, October 01, 2005

As the name implies, this blog is where those of you with ideas for superheroes or companions for superheroes and don't know where to post them. Here's how it works: Email me at with your name and as detailed a description of your character(s) as you can compile ( pictures are always appreciated). Every time I get a chance, I will post your character's description on this main page. And every month or so, I will get together via e-mail with the creators and collaborate with them a story starring the characters.


  1. Keep your descriptions more or less kid-friendly. By that I mean abiding by the following guidlines:
    Spirituality: Nothing that sounds religiously influential.
    Sensuality: Romance is okay, but nothing too graphic.
    Violence: Again, nothing too graphic. No mutilated corpses or bloody stabbings.
    Profanity: only two or three bad words per description(preferably bleeped).
    Drug Content: Okay, provided it doesn't praise drugs.
  2. You own the copyright. As soon as you e-mail your description, it all belngs to you. If you think somebody copied your idea after you sent it, notify me and I'll take care of it.

Well, that's about it. I'll have more when the first person posts.


Blogger azriela said...

As long as he isn't a comic book superhero who already exists, go ahead. Just send me an e-mail. And Webmistress_04, if your reading this, you can submit Alexia.

4:58 PM  

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